High Colonics in Toronto

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Tuesday, January 1, 2008

What is a high colonic and why bother?

Before going on a “diet” or using any type of weight loss product, it’s strongly recommended you do a colon cleanse. Chances are you are lugging around 10+ pounds in your colon alone, so you might not actually be as fat as you think! Hollywood's influential people have recently put colon care in the spot lite. How many manuals have you read on your car, television, or cell phone? Yet, none of them benefit you as good health can. In the history of a colonic hydrotherapy, Marilyn Monroe was one of the first actors in Hollywood to endorse this practice, then Princess Diana, Daymon Waynans, and now some of Hollywood's young elite.

Why colon cleansing is not only suggested but needed?

Every day people are asking why they need to colon cleanse - their parents or grandparents have lived for a very long time without ever doing a colon cleanse.

The simple answer is, times have changed. Diets have changed. The amount of pollution, hormones, and pesticides, has changed. All of these things have an impact in our colon simply because toxins stick to our colon like candy to a child.

A more complex answer is the following:

The colon is a last part of the bowels. It's a five foot length of an expandable, tubular hose in the body. After you've eaten a meal, and after all the food's nutrients have been absorbed in the small intestine, the colon is the last stop on your dinner's GI tour. It is the place where excess liquid, and nutrients are absorbed and friendly acid-forming E.Coli bacteria break down what's left of the undigested food. As this is happening, waves of intestinal muscle contractions -- called peristalsis -- urge the remains through your colon and onward through the rectum and toward your anus for elimination.

Unfortunately, the story doesn't always have such a happy ending. Because the North American diet is deficient in fiber and high in processed foods, fatty meat, refined sugar and various preservatives and toxins, and because those entities make it so difficult to digest, not all of it makes a trouble-free exit from your body.

Over time, the colon can lose the ability to process vital nutrients, absorb water and to eliminate fecal matter from the body... A condition commonly known as "constipation". Constipation occurs for various reasons, but involve, lack of adequate hydration (low water intake), and lack of fiber in the diet.

Constipation is commonly identified as a condition where the fecal matter is so tightly packed together, that bowel movements are infrequent, with much difficulty and straining...

In fact, many people are constipated without even recognizing the condition!

Old hardened feces stick to the walls of the colon. The passage through which the feces are forced to travel is much reduced so that stools become narrow in diameter. In this society, bowel movements of the chronically constipated... may be looked upon as normal stool!

Bloating, chronic gas, feelings of fullness hours after your last meal, or intense hunger after a bowel movement, and abdominal cramps are all easily associated symptoms of bowel upset. But what about those symptoms not so easily recognizable?

• Skin Problems • Chronic Fatigue • Diarrhea
• Irritability • Depression • infections

Of course eating a diet full of Dorito's, Big Mac's, and frozen dinners help constitute the glut in our bowels, but what about organic diets? Who can afford to eat organic foods? Really eating an organic diet is like paying a second mortgage and is not entirely practical. Irriadiating food is a promising prospect 40 years in the making. Irradiating fruits, vegetables, and meats with as much as 15 million times the energy of a single chest X-ray kills disease-causing germs and extends the shelf life of foods. However, it's use has been feverently resisted by North Americans who want "pure food". The only organ that can be literally flushed out with water is the large intestine. There is no supplement that can match its cleansing. Cleaning the colon, exercise, and good nutrition will make our lives healthier.

The Procedure

Colon hydrotherapy treatment is a gentle washing of the large intestine with purified water. The physical goals of each session are to hydrate the system, remove waste, stimulate peristalsis, rehabilitate the nerves, muscles, glands, circulatory, and immune system.

The first stage of a colonic irrigation session involves massage of the lower abdominal area. This increases peristaltic action (bowel contraction) and helps to dislodge fecal impaction. The massage will also indicate the current status of the colon.

Then, a sterilized hygienic speculum is gently inserted into the rectum, which causes only momentary discomfort until the anal sphincter adjusts. Clients are completely covered during the procedure. Purified water is then piped into the colon via a small inlet tube, which then circulates and leaves the colon through an evacuation tube. As the water leaves, it carries out impacted fecal matter, gas and mucus. The entire procedure is completely sanitary, without the mess accompanying a standard enema. Immediately following the procedure, clients feel lighter and enjoy a sense of well-being.

Popular opinion suggests, good health required two or three odorless and effortless bowel movements a day without cramps and without bloating. The normal transit time should be 8 to 14 hours. This means our prevailing notion of a single bowel movement in the morning is inconsistent with motility requirements of the bowel.

After treatment our office we will supply you with the right nutritional supplement to continue to detoxify. After colon cleansing, one should take antioxidants found in fruit and plant enzymes, and essential amino acid complex liquid dietary supplement. This will ensure that the cells will be properly protected, and it will help promote the continuity of the cleansing and healing process in your body.


Will a colonic clear up my skin?

Your skin is an important organ for waste elimination. Surface eruptions on the skin may occur when toxins held in the body are are released. A Qmentum Colon Cleansing will help heal the colon and diminishes the burden placed upon the skin and the other elimination organs. When elimination is accomplished through proper channels, the skin will very often clear up.

Can Colon Hydrotherapy Wash Away the Good Bacteria with the Bad?

The helpful bacteria can live in an acid environment, whereas the harmful ones thrive in an alkaline environment. Most people, due to years of improper eating, lack of exercise and poor elimination have an alkaline colon. One of the benefits of Colon Hydrotherapy is that it will change the environment from alkaline to acid.

Can One Become Dependent on Colon Hydrotherapy?

No, actually the treatments help to tone the colon muscles so that they perform more effectively. You will need at least 3 treatments sessions (one per week) to completely detoxify the intestines. Any treatments thereafter will be completely up to you, but one treatment per 3-6 months is recommended as maintenance to detoxify.

Is it embarrassing to get a colonic?

No. You will fully maintain your personal dignity. The mess and odour sometimes present during an enema simply does not exist with a colonic.

Is there anything I need to do to get ready for a colonic?

Consuming water and fibre as part of a healthy diet will encourage release of fecal matter. Since your abdomen will be massaged, it is a good idea to eat or drink lightly in the 2 hours immediately preceding a colonic. Also, emptying the rectum with a substantial bowel movement, if possible, just prior to the colonic saves time and permits more to be accomplished.

Does the Treatment Hurt?

This treatment does sound more uncomfortable than it is. It is not a painful treatment, that is for sure. There are no lingering effects either, after the hour, you will be back on your feet and feeling great. As soon as the colonic is finished you can carry on with daily routine. For some, the colonic may trigger several subsequent bowel movements for the next few hours, but there won't be any uncontrollable urgency or discomfort. It's also possible you may feel light-headed or chilled for a few moments following a colonic.

Can I be infected with HIV or other conditions (such as Hepatitis) from this treatment?

Absolutely not! The instrument features a disposable component thus eliminating any possible contamination from client to client, and does not pierce the skin in any way.

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Get lucid, and tame that intestinal garden, get a "Qmentum" high colonic today!

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Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

I am certified in the art of "INTESTINAL GARDENING", the key to a new you should begin via COLONIC HYDROTHERAPY. Contact me today! RATES: $115/session. Each session is 1hr. LOCATION: Downtown Toronto, Ontario.


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